Once we were in Nuevo Laredo. Ever been there? Any ways there was this plaza and everyone parallel parked on the streets surrounding it. These people would put the cars bumper to bumper to bumper to bumper. I don't know how they did that. Well this woman leaves the plaza and gets into her car. the cars parked in front of and behind hers is right up against her car's bumpers. She honks her horn for a couple a minutes. No one shows up to get their car out of the way. Not like they could anyhow seeing that all the cars were right up against each other. So she starts slamming into the cars behind her and in front of her car, back and forth until both cars were mashed in enough so she could pull hers out and leave.
Man, I miss going down there. Until Calderon had to stir up the cartels, that was the safest big city in North America that I've ever been in. Laredo, on the Texas side, was the crappiest of the two cities. Now ... no Laredo is still a crappy city .
Yeah. We've got the cartels here as well. They are slowly making inroads and I have seen their expansion. And it is pretty impressive to a degree. Only the crap they pull down there don't fly too good here. When they say, "plato o plomo" here, we answer back with a silver bullet and then take their silver. Most of them are just half-wit nacos with a gun. Once they run out of bullets, they're still just a half-wit naco. And Lord help them if they get put into our prison system. We have plenty of well established fraternities in those places that will be more than happy to point out to them that they are just that.
But the stupid drug war my government just had to create and your government's willing participation helped to put these walking birth defects to where they've gotten to now. From Salinas on up the drug war for them has been ARRRIIIBBBAAA! $$$$$ GRINGO CASH GRAB BAG $$$$$.
And what has this stupid drug war actually accomplished besides making ZETA a house hold name?
On a positive note, while the cartels are now growing weed and cooking meth on THIS side, thanks to Colorado and Washington state, the price of hydro has dropped into range where it can compete with the Mexican weed.
I predict this price drop to increase even more so once those two states get fully in gear. LOL that means we American Stoners will no longer be dealing with Mexican cartels. We'll be too busy trying to score from the Vietnamese gangsters instead.
And the Cartels are left with only the meth addicts to do business with. American speed freaks that live in double-wides are the most dangerous people on Earth.
Know what scares me the most in Mexico? No not cartels. We got those ****s here too. No. What's the scary thing in Mexico are the buses. Where do Mexican bus lines get their drivers from? Mental hospitals?
City buses are just as crazy, but I'll admit more efficient than here. Going at those speeds, they can't help but be efficient. Someone I know got nailed by a city bus in Monterrey. He's like partially paralyzed. The car he was in was totally destroyed.
I just started playing about a week and a half ago. My son kept bothering me to try it. He even gave me some modified controller - some PS 3 controller that does all this crap. It's real fun with LFS. So now I'm addicted. I only have the first two teir planes. I haven't played with the tanks, but for some reason, it makes me drive one in one of the missions in order to unlock realistic battles instead of arcades. I dunno. Not really a big tank fan. I guess if you like tanks it's OK, but I wouldn't know what to compare it to as far as game play goes.
"Superman is a fictional character, a superhero that appeared in comic books first published in the 1930s by DC Comics. Superman is now considered, and has been for decades, an American cultural icon, and that means, of course, that he/the image has acquired an immense popularity."
Here in the states illegal immigration has become a big political/social topic.
What most people don't realize is that Superman is an illegal alien.
LOL He's doing the job American Superheroes won't do.
His adoptive parents are held in high regard.....they are multiple felons. Everything from Harboring an illegal alien to illegal adoption to child labor exploitation.
You mean exposure. Promoting product awareness. That calls for advertising.
Since it's an online only game. advertising shouldn't be a whole lot. How much does a banner ad cost for a site with decent traffic?
But that's only half the game. Putting out there, as is, will make it no more or less than any other title on any other banner. What is in LFS that would make a potential customer prefer to pay $60 to purchase it over the other titles?
In other words, what is it's selling point? And does that selling point overcome it's drawbacks? If not, then something would need to be done to minimize the drawbacks.
Like for instance the graphics. in the world of eye candy graphics LFS isn't cutting edge. That's a drawback. But it can be spun. The graphics are perfect for online play and most importantly, if you want to play this game you don't have to shell out extra money for memory, a card, another computer... That helps as far as selling points, but not enough.
I think, and this is just my opinion, is that they ought to target market newbie sim racers. One, LFS doesn't really require any sort of wheel or extra controller to play and have fun with. Try playing some of the other titles with a KB or mouse.
Also, one of the things that really turned me off with the other titles out there is how anal they seemed about everything. Who the hell wants to have to try and learn to play online with a field full of candy asses? The casual approach LFS has to serious racing should be a real big selling point
LOL makes for a good slogan too.
"Live for Speed. The casual approach to serious racing." OK maybe not.
And of course. Customer support. You have a problem with the game and have a question? You get a real person that has something to do with the development of the game respond. Not some kid in New Delhi copying and pasting pre typed responses that automatically blame everything on your end.
Scavier. Nah they don't need to hire on more inmates for the asylum, they just need to get motivated and learn a little marketing and how to package what they have to something that will appeal to who they wanna sell it to.
This Part:
Sadly devs have lost their motivation and developement has slown down,obviously money doesn't motivate them,as they could sell tons of content without problems,but there isn't any.
Could they? Racing as far as video games goes isn't a very hot seller on PCs
And I dunno if this is off topic or a reflection of things, but I noticed younger generations (gen Y and Millenials) don't seem to have as much of an affection for cars as baby boomers and Gen Xers do. Sure, there's a niche market and will always be one, but mass appeal? As far as consoles goes, sure everyone has one racing title, just to have one. But that's about it. When a new console title or new version of the same game is released, racing titles don't get anywhere near the hype, exposure or customer anticipation that first person shooters do. I've seen co-workers take off from work so they can wait in a line to get the latest greatest Call of Duty. Can't say that I've seen that for any racing game. Sucky arcade type or hyper realistic simulator.
Is there a chart that shows the various genres and what gets sold?
There's gotta be a chart for this somewhere, probably more than one. And I imagine on this chart, realistic simulations, and I'll lump in planes, boats and pogo sticks together, would be somewhere in between virtual tennis and children's educational games in the 18-35 sausage market.
If they released S-3 right now, I don't think they'd get too many more customers outside of the s-2 license holders. Especially the way the licensing system works. I don't really see a potential new market for S-1 licenses once S-3/if S-3 comes out. Newbie players are going to want S-3 instantly. They're not going to want to have to buy the same game three times to get it. And at approx. $60 US, LFS will have lots and lots and lots of competition. Not so much from other racing games. Most of those are sold in boxes you can get in a store somewhere. LFS isn't just in a niche market as far as the genre, but it's an online only game as far as purchasing goes. It's main competition is from other online only titles of whatever genre. If LFS development was concerned with making Money it would exploit that target demographic. What does LFS have in it that would appeal enough for that demographic to be willing to pay 60 bucks for it?
I respect Scawen for his technical skills, but he obviously sucks at project management,...
Yeah. That.
I can respect Scawen for having his own vision for LFS, and not compromising that vision to make a quick buck or to hop on some trend that he's not passionate about. It may not be what we desire, or at the speed we desire, but it was made extremely clear before we purchased our LFS licence that LFS was in development, and that things could change at will.
Yeah. That.
And that is the most appealing thing about it to me.
I could care less about coding and whatnot as I like sunlight.
But I do know a little about mass production and final output decided by committee. The only way that works is with compromise. All sorts of reasons demand that compromise. What in LFS would you want compromised so this committee can get S3 out there?
I figure when LFS was developed, or started out, it was done with the attitude of a garage band. Now this garage band is asked to perform at Wembley Stadium.
LOL the Black Keys of video games. No wait LFS has old cars... Timbuk 3
Yeah the Timbuk 3 of video games.
You just won't let this go, will you?
OK I got a little time.
ALright let's say all your stats and video links weren't doctored or cooked to serve a certain opinion and every little bit of insanity you go on about is true. OK? It's all true. What do you propose we do about it? You and Racer X always babbling on and on and on and on.... What do YOU think we should do?
Racer X you're clueless about China, the US and Japan. Everyone, even China wants Japan to get armed. Why? Who else is both a threat and an embarrassment to that region? What would China like more than to have that thorn North Korea. removed from it's side while misleading the public about the "big bad Japanese"? What kind of relief would Uncle Sam get if the Tanks were all Toyotas? C'mon dude. If you're gonna go off the rails, then go all the way.
Aw dude! I'm so glad you posted!
Hey man, my wife said something about wanting a seal skin coat for Mother's Day. Maybe you can go out in the backyard and hook me up?
(how's that ant?)
Good ol' dawes. Captain Friggin Canada hisself.
You know... I love that mayor of Toronto. Once he gets voted out, he'll rake it in big here in the states. Yeah. all we got here in Houston is this lesbian woman that when she decides she's not getting enough media coverage, she makes a big deal out of having the same taste in women I do. Who cares if she's a lesbian? This is 20 damned 14! So she's a lesbian - AND? So's a gazillion other women. I voted for her so I'd get streets fixed.
At least that guy knows how to party.
I dunno. One thing that bothers me. Canada has some bad sss weed. - at least that's what I been told.
If that's the case, why is he smoking crack? Crack is to cocaine what spam is to beef tenderloin- at least that's what I been told.
I dunno.... the thought of Crown Coke and Coke brings back a lot of blurred memories
You think Toronto'll trade Ted Cruz back for Brown Dawes? I figure if the Raptors trade Kyle Lowry, they can do that too - huh?
You know Dawes, I could burn the living piss out of you, but I won't. You'd just rant about the grammar or something anyways. Instead, I'll leave you with worthless Trivia.
Guess who wrote a lot of KISS's songs?
Brian Adams. Brian put your finger in your mouth to puke Adams.
Now *&^!! all that.
The Ukraine...
You know, something tells me that the situation wouldn't be as messed up as what it is if Obama and Putin wasn't using it for a pissing contest.
Most Americans really don't want anything to do with the place.
I imagine the same holds true for the Russians too. But not Putin and Obama.
Not those two. You can tell that they PERSONALLY don't like each other.
Putin and Bush? Hell, no matter what was going on between the nations, those two would be kicking back with beer and rods and reels. Or out shooting something after church or something.
But the current regimes? Obama loves his drones and Putin loves his poisons.
And I doubt either one really cares that much about the Ukraine. At least as far as people go. I'm afraid it might get pretty nasty there.
Oh so you got the joke? I dunno. Sometimes I get tired of the Blame America crowd and just give them what they want.
But yeah... I should've came up with a better analogy than the spelling
It was getting late and I remembered most of the flag waver types can't spell for sh!t.
Lookie here. I'm messing with Daniel - OK? If I think I need a response from you, I'll tell you what to type. OK?
As a part time job I sell Clues And you sure look like you could use one.
Oh the great currency scare. Know what happens if "china pulls the plug"
Nothing. If American Dollars are replaced with something else, then everyone jumps on the new money. Do you think Mickey D's will shutter and collapse if the new standard of cash was the ... Yen? Really? The very worst that would happen would be a more intense trade war as everyone readjusts and puts up protectionist measures to protect. Our economies are way too intertwined for much else to happen. If another nation has the new currency standard, the Netherlands would simply be the eighth largest investor in that country. I don't think you have to worry about us all sinking, but if we do... Hey I always wanted to live in a Road Warrior fantasy world.
And America will do like what the other countries do. The reason why it won't really affect us as bad as the sensationalist morons like to portray is our private sector is highly independent and extremely diversified. Even with the bank fiasco, the housing and the dot com bubble bursts. We're still here dude.
And those charts... Like I posted before, I barely pass the poverty level. But look at the crap I have. Go to Lagos and ask them how bad off I have it.
The only thing that chart really does is remind me that what I do for a living here would have me starving in the street in Lagos. That's it.
"I experience two types of americans very often, one who thinks like you, that you rule the world ( I think some really believe) and ones who have woken up. "
Trust me. You've never met anybody that thinks like me. I don't remember saying or claiming to believe that America was the ruler of the world. Nope I said we were the babysitter. Big difference there. Lemme put it another way. Say you and your spouse want to go out one night. You call up this teenager to watch the kids. Does that make the teenager the head of the household?
"I experience two types of americans very often, one who i mistakenly thought thinks like you played it up to, that you rule the world ( I think some really believe) and ones who have woken up. "
Yeah I've run into Americans like those as well. Only I call them sheep. Mindless vote drones that believe in all that right wing/left wing garbage. And just like you, they love to throw up charts and graphs and clever sounding bytes to justify their cause. Yeah Whatever. I read an old Playboy article where the guy figured out a way to show with statistics that crackheads were more productive workers than non crackheads. He had all the numbers all the stats to prove it.
I guess it must be true - huh?
By the way, I'm a third type of American. One the other two don't like too much.
Military Industrial complex? Holy Rip Van Winkle Batman! it's 2014! not 1874!
Remember what I said about diversified ? It's so much more profitable to build and maintain a walmart with an apple store than it is to build a base. Sure the defense industry is still big, but not like what it used to be.
"Study the murderer of Kennedy, the first and only good president you've had "
The only reason why he was so good was he didn't live long enough to screw up like the others.
And please don't go on about Kennedy conspiracies. Next year will be 2015 and every thing will be released putting all conspiracy nuts to rest.
LOL Kennedy. Too bad you've never heard of Lincoln, Jefferson or the Roosevelts. Andrew Jackson is my favorite, He was a lot like what Putin is, but we wasn't part of the US of A when he was President, Santa Anna Of Mexico was.
"Just like Malaysia said when the US offered help with the missing plane ( most likely cause by the us to miss, as of the people that were aboard.) "
Uhhh... all your credibility just went out the window with that dude. ROFL yeah we fired up the UFOs down in Roswell flew up to the plane at sub light speed and teleported the plane to the planet Quang to be interrogated by Jim Morrison and Andy Kaufman..
The Reason Malaysia was reluctant to accept help was to cover any possible incompetence.
You want a weird conspiracy about that plane though? That area where the plane went missing is sort of a hotspot geopolitically. A lot of competition there. YOu know damned good and well that plane crossed into more than a couple of radar screens over there. Why won't any of them say more about seeing that plane than what they do? To conceal air defense capability maybe?
now for you Mr Ant. Let's be a little logical. Can we? Yeah, I hate being so as I have to do that way too much in the real world but Let's do it here for second.
Uh If I really had the intellect of how I posted, now use some logic here,
Would I:
A. Have the mental capability to be able to post on the forum with such decent spelling, much less post on a forum in the UK?
B. I dunno... be some Rancher out in the Nevada desert in a standoff with federal authorities?
Ok. now for the comment I want you to type:
Gee whizz Deadwolf. I hope we don't have to share a foxhole together...
Bent the frame? Wow. Yeah, here in Texas if you did that, you're pretty much screwed. The title/registration is based on the frame. You can have a, I dunno, a Hayabusa. If you change the motor with a briggs and stratton lawn mower motor, as far as Texas goes, you still have a hayabusa. But put everything else on another hayabusa frame, and you no longer legally own a motorcycle.
And will have to jump through hoops of fire to make it legal.
"I'm saving up now to get something somewhat modern like a bike from 1998 to 2003 ish."
LOL my kind of biker. The cost of a new bike is mindlessly expensive and depreciates really fast.
And with a used bike it's so much less intimidating to customize.
Speaking of broken legs...
I laid my bike over around 2007-8? No the bike is fine. My leg broke its fall
I got a broken leg and a broken ankle, a melon for a knee and a heartbreak of knowing my boot put a dent in the tank and an anxiety attack wondering where it got towed to.
Anyways. While i'm in the emergency room at the hospital, the cops brought this gang banger in. I saw that he had a chunk missing from his calf and holes on his back. they have him handcuffed to a stretcher and stick him in a room across from me. My happy ass is sitting in a hallway in a funky splint, hoping the pill heads next to me don't bump my leg. I hear him tell the cop, "you know this could be the best thing that could happen for me. Now I can get all this behind me"
The cop replied," What the hell are you talking about? You got bit by a dog running from the cops and looking at doing 4 years? How can that be a good thing?" Screw the pain in my leg. I heard that and busted out laughing.
This dumb ass was wanted for robbery. He ran from the cops thinking he'd lose them running through backyards and hopping fences. From what they told me, he was doing pretty good until he hopped over a fence and into a yard that had a pitbull.
Oh ok sorta like how people named Richard are called Dick. Yeah, I get it.
I'm kinda confused though. What's Netherlandish for Dick? Richard?
Yeah, the land of Microsoft and Google And that kool aid you love so much. We're this oh so pathetic bankrupt rock with misguided proletariats horribly oppressed and too ignorant to know it. Yeah having high speed internet, 600 channels with nothing on, access to exotic sports cars, (just don't ask about my healthcare. you'll get me there ) being able to buy guns freely, and having a passport that allows me to go wherever and able to afford to be able to do so. I can see where I've been played. Especially when I can have all that and then look at the Department of Labor statistics on pay scales and realize i'm just barely out of the poverty level. Wow. I didn't know how bad I have it.
And we would love to quit being the baby sitter as soon as you get us off your speed dial.
Speaking of bankrupt, when Germany can't carry all of y'all anymore and the EU craps out, how much will that cost the American Tax payer?
I forget how much the Ukraine is costing us. And all Obama's done is look disapprovingly.
Do you have any idea how much of my paycheck goes towards supporting your healthcare system when I can't even afford my own?
You know in some countries, we ARE their healthcare system.
When your country becomes overburdened and breaks down, and it's going to, what are you going to do? stand around with your finger in a dike and look stupid? Or call your good ol Uncle Sam for an aid package?
Yeah, your good ol uncle sam. That distant relative you couldn't get rid of fast enough. And like all the other relatives he has, you only call when you need something. After that it's back to him being the trailer trash relative no one sends a Christmas card to. And he'll still hook you up. I know, cause I'll be the one paying for it.
OK enough of the nonsense ... You can take you hands off of your ears and chanting "Bourgeoisie!" now.
Our government is on a course to bankruptcy. It is over reached. The military spending of the last administration and the stupid social progressiveness of the current administration has too high a price tag. Add that up with all the other crap we have to do... well money only goes so far. Everyone is playing with imaginary money. There's no such thing as multiple trillions of dollars. There not enough trees to print that much paper. Yet we ran our deficit that high and other countries, like yours, are doing the same thing. They all delude themselves into thinking as long as everyone plays along, then it's all good, But sooner or later, there's going to be a breakdown. When that day happens, all those back door deals, all those tax incentives all those trade polices we made to try and insure some sort of stability in a world full of nut cases will be gone. But that really won't matter, cause when that day comes, I doubt international trade will be all that anyways.
My advice to you is to start worrying about what your own government is going to do you as precautionary measures, thinking they can ride it out. We won't be there to hold your hand once that time comes.
" I guess the certain interests your country have..." You mean like Shell and making sure their platforms, refineries and boats don't get messed with??
Oh wait... they're a ...Dutch company - right?
Yeah, you know that company has a refinery about 10 miles that's maybe 14-16 kilometers? from where I live. You know the surrounding neighborhood has the highest amount of brain tumors per capita than anywhere on the planet.
.... certain interests OUR country has - huh?
Maybe you shouldn't throw rocks when you live in a glass house.
Dutch.... I saw Adrian Vandenburg in concert once. He was one of the rotating guitar players in Whitesnake.
Man. That sucks. Glad you came out OK.
You have my sympathies. I don't know what's worse about bike wrecks. The wreck itself or the @ssholes the day after telling us over and over how dangerous motorcycles are.
What are you going to do with the bike? Are you going to restore it to original?
You know some drag bars, a tractor seat, a peanut tank and some spoked rims would look nice. Probably cheaper than replacing the fairing, the tank and the seat too.
None of that really matters. What does is that you came out alright.
Just recently finished another custom bike project. Yeah I saved the day for my Mechanics making a custom Yamaha 650 flat tracker by drawing them up some brackets for disc brake calipers. Yeah, I'm a big time bike builder now! too bad the rest of my dysfunctional family isn't into bikes, then I could have my own reality show on TV.....
Actually they're making this bike for a guy that's an auto dealer. How ironic is that?
Seriously... Does anyone know anything about stingray hide? I know most of y'all like sportbikes and totally NOT into customizing, but it's worth a shot.
I want something that looks good, low maintenance and will stand up to the elements. I don't want to spend megabucks on something that's going to look all ratty in six months. I like nice pretty choppers - that actually work right. And that includes the seat as well. I was looking at alligator skin, but the texture? LOL could you imagine all those damned ridges and scales up your behind, stuck in traffic? But Stingray looks pretty good and I've heard that it's pretty durable as far as seat covers go. But that's not from the most reliable of sources though.
I saw a nice bike a couple a weeks ago at the place I get my oil. A 1981 kz1100. it has a stretched swingarm, not that ridiculous stretch. just long enough to help with the squirreliness. The carbs and airflow was opened up I forget what kind the carbs were, but they wasn't stock. They wanted 2 thousand for it.... but second gear was shot and if I buy another bike, my wife says I'll be shot as well.
A while back, some Eastern Euro types posted here that folks from the West and elsewhere that posted here were pretty much ignorant of the real situation. They were right. So I studied the situation.
One thing I learned that the people that know least of all what's going on ar the Ukrainian/Crimeans themselves. You folks have really lost the plot.
OK... So you had this corrupt dude named Yanukovych and you got rid of him for being a crook. OK good... then you go and select an even bigger crook to tell you how to live. Then there's the Crimeans... They decide they don't want another crook and want to be free and independent to make their own autonomous choices - we think maybe they have some sort of a clue - then they hook up with... Russia. WTF???!!!???
So, what I've learned about the situation in the Ukraine is that it's as F***ed up as a soccer ball bat.
To the brain dead kool aid drinker that posted up above me from the Nether lands:
What do they call people from there anyways? Netherlanders or something?
Anyhow. As an American, I'm tired of being the world's babysitter. I could care less how stupid your country is or isn't, I think Darwinism should be allowed to run its course and let you live or die by the outcome of your own devices. But as usual, you'll just screw things all up and come whining to us for help...AGAIN. Do you know how much higher our standard of living would be if we didn't have to spend a chunk of our tax money keeping you third world countries from making another Hitler or Stalin or Napoleon for yourselves? And they tell us in the commercials that just a dollar a day will make you happy... Gheesh...
I'm just waiting for the EU to tank and we'll just have to borrow that much more money from China to bail y'all out. All the while with little neo marxists burning our flag, hating on us and insulting us while on their way to get a Big Mac. Then calling us on speed dial cause you said something stupid to a muslim and can't back it up.
Yeah. I don't know why our government wastes so much time and money on your affairs. Your nonsense should be your problem. Not mine. Besides, you people kicked our ancestors out of your countries. I don't see where we owe you anything.
I've been seeing these cars daily. http://www.teslamotors.com/
Not so much the roadster. I've seen one or two, but I see I dunno at least twelve of these a week going back and forth to work.
LOL That's good. I look forward to playing the game. Yeah. My wife has a facebook page and every now and then some loser we used to know somehow finds it. As far as alpha/beta testing goes? I would probably be a poor choice even if I did have time. I don't know the difference between Delphi and Dos.
LOL I got a C minus in a C++ class. As far as the workings of computers goes, I know when I get the BSODs or lose my trust privileges (My computer doesn't trust me anymore? WTF?), I call some dude named Gary and ask what the ()*#!! did that pot head they sent to update the servers do to my *$%#@&!! computer!?!
Now if you ever hit it big, get a corporate office building and need fancy signs so blind people in wheel chairs can find the stairs to the handicapped parking spaces, then I'm you're man.
I like mega glest. It's kind of cheesy, but it's still a lot of fun. Especially some of the mods. And for a free RTS, it plays on a level as good or better than a lot of the retail titles.
0AD? I d/loaded it several years ago. It was really buggy. Locked up a lot. Have they fixed that? Cause it looks like a pretty good game.
RTS games in general seem to be on the decline these days. LOL I guess the millenials just ain't all that cerebral.
Personally, I liked AoK with the Conquerors expansion the best out of all of them
Wow! This is really impressive! LOL Looks like someone watched Little Shop of Horrors one too many times. Man, that plant is totally cool. ....
You've been saying how you've been working on this game for a couple of years now. I remember the stuff you did with LFS and figured this game will be pretty good too. Can you join a facebook group if you don't have a facebook page? Sorry, I spent too many years getting rid of people I don't like. I don't want them to find me again at the click of a mouse.
Still, the artwork is really good.
The Ft. hood shooting was actually caused by demonic possession. Look at the history of that particular area. There were THREE mass homicides in Kileen over the last twenty-five years. Know how many outlaws met their end there in the wild west days? Notice in the war for Independence, Santa Anna and Houston avoided the area like the plague. There has been all sorts of homicides in that region since it was settled. It's murder stats are through the roof. And even with Ft. Hood, it's only about the Quarter of the size that Aukland is.
It's easy to be fooled into thinking that big pharm was behind this without knowing the specifics of the area.